Friday, 6 June 2014

#Bookaday - Day 6

Day 6 - The book I always give as a gift

There are two books that I have repurchased to give to other people.  One is 'Encyclopedia Of An Ordinary Life' by Amy Krouse Rosenthal, the other is 'Brothers' by Bernice Rubens. 
I currently own neither of them myself. 
My copy of EOAOL was leant to an (ex) internet friend, who never returned it.  Hence now why "ex". 
'Brothers' was a library book originally...  But I ended up buying a copy to give to my sister.

Both books were originally read when I was about 17-20 years old.  And perhaps there is something in that, because I guess that's a very impressionable age.  But those 2 have stuck with me all these years as books that blew my mind.

Another in that category is 'The Red Tent' by Anita Diamant.  I am on my 2nd copy of it, and that one is falling apart.  I keep meaning to replace it.


In another topic of conversation...  At school today, I had my camera out to take some photos of some kids work.  Then I stood it on the side as I readied the children for the next activity, and put it on to video record...

I am just out of frame (you can just see my knee) throughout the 4 minute recording.  But what is there is so interesting.  I hate my voice on it (doesn't everyone?!), but it's interesting to hear what I say without really thinking about it.  And it's fascinating to watch the children's faces as they interact with the game of 'Simon Says' I start up.  I should record these daily snippets more often!
It's an insight you don't get whilst involved in the middle of the action!

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