Sunday, 15 June 2014

#Bookaday - 11 to 15

Day 11 - Second-hand bookshop gem

'Birds Of Prey' by Wilbur Smith...  I'm pretty sure I got this one from a charity shop...  I enjoy Wilbur Smith books very much.  They are a bit "boys own", but they rip along, plot-wise, at a cracking pace.  'Birds Of Prey' is the start of a trilogy, followed by 'Monsoon' and then 'Blue Horizon'.  I've read all of them twice, I believe, but not for at least 5 years.  I would like to re-read them again - in sequence - at some point soon.
These books are just topped by Smith's River God/Warlock series.  There are two more in the series, but they aren't anywhere near as good as the first two, which stand on their own absolutely fine.

Day 12 - I pretend to have read it

I own, and keep meaning to read Richard Dawkins' 'God Delusion'.  I have started it twice, and not got very far either time.  But it's been a few years since my last attempt, so perhaps I should give it another go soon.

Day 13 - Makes me laugh

Any from the James Herriot vet series have me laughing every time.  But I have talked about these already...  'Yes Man' by Danny Wallace is very funny, and always has me with a little tear at the end. ;)

Day 14 - An old favourite

'Notes From a Small Island' by Bill Bryson.
I was first introduced to Bill Bryson by my old English teacher, Mr Austin, who said that we had similar writing styles, and that I'd probably appreciate his humour.  I bought 'Notes From A Small Island' and found that he was right on the money.  There are so many passages in there that make me laugh, and it's one of those books that you can just pick up and read from almost any page.

Day 15 - Favourite fictional father

Erm...  Never thought about this before, but I'm going to go with Francis Courtney from 'Birds Of Prey', a swash-buckling privateer, who is both moral, brave, loving and tough.  He's a good guy.

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