(This is a post I
made over a year ago, at one of my now-defunct blogs. It is a post I made about my experiences
within fandom. And considering the
flame-war I had yesterday with some randomer, I thought it was time I transferred
it over here. I have added/taken odd bits out for the purpose of updating, but the bulk is as originally written)
Let me just preface
with: I love fandom. As a social phenomenon, it’s fascinating.
Fandom (consisting of fan [fanatic] plus the suffix -dom, as in kingdom,
freedom, etc.) is a term used to refer to a subculture
composed of fans characterized by a feeling of sympathy and
camaraderie with others who share a common interest. Fans typically are
interested in even minor details of the object(s) of their fandom and spend a
significant portion of their time and energy involved with their interest,
often as a part of a social network with particular practices (a fandom);
this is what differentiates “fannish” (fandom-affiliated) fans from those with
only a casual interest.
Back in the
mid-norties, I was right in the middle of one particular fandom. That
being “the Josh Groban fandom”. I met many fascinating people. Many
weird people. Many down-right mental people. I ran a large and
somewhat controversial fan forum on LiveJournal.com, which was aimed at, and
populated by, fans of my age (late teens to early 20s). For a period of
about 3 years, within the sphere of my age group (in a fandom largely populated
by much older women, mostly nearing or at retirement age), I was reasonably
well known figure within my sub-group, and any well-known member within a
fandom is able to play a large role in dictating the direction of the fandom,
what’s cool, what’s not, who’s in, who’s out.
Should they wish to do so.
And as the fan sub-group
closest in age to Josh himself, we had clout.
After all, if Josh wanted a long-term career, it was those fans who were
going to grow up with him that were most important. Not those fans currently in their
60/70/80s. Because, let’s face it, in
not so many years, they were no longer going to be able to be serious economic
contributors towards maintaining his career.
It was those of us, in his age bracket that would ultimately keep this
ship sailing.
Looking back, do I
think his management have always targeted him effectively? And at the right markets? Nope.
Did us
20-something fans miss the opportunity to exercise a real voice within the
fandom? Yes. Reason?
We were too young to realise we had a voice worth listening to.
This went on until
around 2009, where “real grown up life” started to happen and I just didn’t
have the time, resources, inclination to care much any more. As a result,
because myself, and my peers in the forum, were growing up and out of fandom,
the forum pretty much died. We went from up to 10 posts a day to zero in
the space of 18 months.
Then I discovered
Tim Minchin.
Now though, I am
older, somewhat wiser, with a much more skeptical head on my shoulders. I
won’t get into the whys and wherefores of why Minchin is awesome (that’s what
YouTube is for), so let’s just assume that he is.
Now though, I have
the inside track on fandom. I know how it works. I may be new to
the Tim Minchin fandom, but I’ve been round the block enough times as a
big-time-fan to know how the shit undoubtedly goes down on any forum. I
know this because THEY ARE ALL THE SAME. Seriously.
Spend enough time in one fandom, transfer to any other, and you’ll quickly realize that you just need to replace a few names and you’ve got the same thing.
Spend enough time in one fandom, transfer to any other, and you’ll quickly realize that you just need to replace a few names and you’ve got the same thing.
I really don’t
need to do the fannish thing any more. I’ve been there, done that, and
quite literally “have the t-shirt”, and don’t have any desire to watch it all
go down again. This time around I’m completely content to watch as
something of an outsider.
Today, this kicked
Tim, in his
infinite wisdom posted this to Twitter.
“I signed (I inserted – autographs, posed for pics,
chatted after) every gig for 5 yrs. Happily. But now I choose not to. I’ve
never met someone I’m a fan of, nor expected to.”
Oh ho. Cue
indignant tears.
The type of “I owe
him my life…! I just want to thank him…”
Oh purleeez.
I advise a swift
course of “getting out more”. That’ll see you straight.
I watched and read
the shit-storm with interest… To be fair to the fandom, most people
responded with humility and resignation. People who pulled the “but he
owes us!” card were shot down pretty quickly.
Now… Here I
hold my hands up. I can be something of a trouble-maker on the
internet. I deliberately like to flit through threads online, such as
this, posting slightly provocative comments, to see the response I get. I
choose my words extremely carefully. And went with this:
“I’ve been a Tim fan just over a year now (having
discovered him on the Comedy Prom). I’ve never met him, or even had a chance to
go to one of his shows…
Yeah, I love his music, he makes me laugh out loud, I
think he’s incredibly talented in areas that keep surprising me often, I think
he’s easy on the eye, and he’s given me an awful lot to think about in terms of
science and religion, which has helped me to define my own views.
I enjoy so much of what Tim does because, just by chance, he does lots of things and has lots of characteristics that appeal to me. Mostly his musical talent, comedic timing and massively articulate brain. At the same time though, he’s done stuff I wasn’t that excited by.
While I’d have loved to have seen Tim live, it just hasn’t been possible because Real Life gets in the way. For instance, for me to travel to Birmingham to see him in JCS, I wouldn’t have got any change from £100+. That might be small change to some, but for me at the moment, that’s the difference between being able to pay my bills and not. Yes, that is disappointing, but not Tim’s problem. He doesn’t owe me anything. He could probably quit his career tomorrow and live quite comfortably. He doesn’t have to do anything he doesn’t want to, or owe “fans” anything either. If he wants to sign autographs after a show, great. If he doesn’t, okay. Yes, it would be great to have a chance to chat to Tim about all kinds of things, but that isn’t going to happen. I’m personally not too interested in rushed scribbles/photos at stage doors late at night. I’d rather go home to my warm bed and reflect on an evening of being thoroughly entertained.
I enjoy so much of what Tim does because, just by chance, he does lots of things and has lots of characteristics that appeal to me. Mostly his musical talent, comedic timing and massively articulate brain. At the same time though, he’s done stuff I wasn’t that excited by.
While I’d have loved to have seen Tim live, it just hasn’t been possible because Real Life gets in the way. For instance, for me to travel to Birmingham to see him in JCS, I wouldn’t have got any change from £100+. That might be small change to some, but for me at the moment, that’s the difference between being able to pay my bills and not. Yes, that is disappointing, but not Tim’s problem. He doesn’t owe me anything. He could probably quit his career tomorrow and live quite comfortably. He doesn’t have to do anything he doesn’t want to, or owe “fans” anything either. If he wants to sign autographs after a show, great. If he doesn’t, okay. Yes, it would be great to have a chance to chat to Tim about all kinds of things, but that isn’t going to happen. I’m personally not too interested in rushed scribbles/photos at stage doors late at night. I’d rather go home to my warm bed and reflect on an evening of being thoroughly entertained.
That being said, I think EVERYONE goes through a stage of
being a “Super fan!” at some point in their lives. They put a certain performer
up on a “can do no wrong” pedestal and find themselves all-consumed in the
world of “fandom”. I’ve been there myself. 4-5 years ago I was a MASSIVE fan of
the American singer Josh Groban. Like, “go to all the gigs I could, wait at the
stage door until midnight” type fan. Yes, I ended up with a few photographs,
autographs, fun memories. In fact he recognised me when I saw him last year in
Birmingham, which was funny. 5 years ago I would have FREAKED THE F**K OUT at
being recognised by the subject of my adoration. But times change, I changed.
When I was recognised, I was just like “Cool” That’s all.
It’s TOTALLY okay to be a Tim super-fan, and if I hadn’t already done it, and got it out of my system with Josh Groban, I’d probably be right with you on being sad over this.
It’s TOTALLY okay to be a Tim super-fan, and if I hadn’t already done it, and got it out of my system with Josh Groban, I’d probably be right with you on being sad over this.
But you know what? Just enjoy what you can, get what you
can from your experiences and focus on the stuff in your life that is “real”.
As awesome as Tim is, he’s just a regular guy who just happens to be quite famous
now. He’s just getting on with his real life, as we need to do with ours. We
have every right to have our needs respected, and so we need to be able to
offer Tim that right. And if his needs for the moment are just to be left alone
after a show for a few months/years, then we need to respect his right to do
Yes, you are entitled completely to feel disappointed, but that’s not Tim’s problem. Nor should we expect it to be.”
Yes, you are entitled completely to feel disappointed, but that’s not Tim’s problem. Nor should we expect it to be.”
Followed up with:
“For what it’s worth, I’m not excusing his tweet.
Was it a bad idea? Probably.
Should he not have said anything? Possibly.
Does it read a bit passive-aggressive? A bit.
Does he come off sounding a bit of a dick? Kinda.
Should he not have said anything? Possibly.
Does it read a bit passive-aggressive? A bit.
Does he come off sounding a bit of a dick? Kinda.
But his intention and his desire still stands.”
“It must be frustrating for him to read Tweets from
moaners. So I can imagine him responding in a fit of annoyance. Not really
considering the fact too well, that although there are some dicky people who
will moan at anything, there are a lot of fans (like the guys here) who just
wanna say “thanks, I really enjoyed that.”
I think it also wouldn’t do any harm for people here to
remember that, by the very fact that we write on a fan forum, we are the more
“serious” fans, with a lot more personal investment in Tim and his career. I’d
actually be interested in knowing the stats on… for instance… the audience of
the Heritage Orchestra DVD… how many of them have ever even read this forum?
I’m going to take a stab and say that it’s probably vanishingly small. Then
times that by all the audiences he sees over the course of a year… Those
“fannish” enough to post on a fan forum, possibly do not represent the majority
of people who identify as “Tim Minchin fans”. So we have to bare in mind that
our responses to anything from Tim are potentially more extreme than the
It is incredibly
interesting to observe a fandom from a more outside position and to be able to
comment objectively.
Seriously though,
I’d love to carry out that audience survey I mentioned above. I think it
would be fascinating.
And please, if you
aren’t familiar with Tim Minchin’s work and identify as an atheist or skeptic,
please do look up his work. Good places to start with might be “The Good
Book”, “Thank You God” or “Storm”. All
of which can be found on YouTube.
And if you should
ever happen to meet Tim at a signing, please do tell him I said hi.
Oh dear. You are clearly your father's daughter! When I read what you write I hear it inside my head - but in my voice rather than on yours! For Tim Minchin read "variable stars" or "South African postcards" or "the postal history of Guyana" or "Pink Floyd".