Jenna Marbles will not be to everyone's taste. For instance, if you're particularly anti-bad language, she's not the Youtuber for you.
Me? I find her absolutely hilarious. She says what women my age are thinking, but don't get around to saying, or documenting in an amusing fashion.
Following on are my top 5 Jenna Marbles videos. In no particular order, because that would be just too hard.
1: How Girls Pack A Suitcase
Some highlights:
"Dresses. Coz I'm a fuckin' lady."
"Some flippy floppies."
"Some tampies."
2: How Girls Get Dressed
"This shirt smells like pee! I wander who did that? *looks at dog* You fuck-face."
"I guess I'll just wear this sweatshirt... the same sweatshirt I wear every day..."
"It's not raining out."
3: I Hate Being A Grown Up
Some highlights:
"You just had a baby? Congratulations. I looked at pictures of cats today."
"Mum! What's for dinner? Oh yeah, that's right. She doesn't live here."
4: How Diets Work
Some highlights:
"Nothing like a hot delicious salad..."
"I'm fucking starving."
5: My Epic Halloween Costume
Some highlights:
Not a comedy video per se, but still fun!
I love Jenna Marbles.